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This is all about an idea -- exchanging homes with others that also reside in an cohousing community. The site is intended simply to plant the idea of an exchange and point you in the direction of some resources should you decide to explore an exchange.


It is not a site intended to facilitate exchanges or vet people. It is not operated as dictating what you should or should not do -- rather, it is a place to collect some best practices and give you ideas on how to proceed. 


You agree that the provider of this website can accept no responsibility for exchanges that you choose to make as a result of reviewing this site.  


While people living outside of a cohousing community might desire to experience living in cohousing as part of an exchange, the original intent for this effort focused on people who already live in cohousing currently and wish to swap with others also currently living in cohousing (as either a renter or owner).


Key Benefits of a Cohousing Exchange


  • Provide you with a chance to experience life in other cohousing communities and perhaps learn new ways to do things that can be brought back home.

  • Give you a chance to live like a local in another area. 

  • Provide a vacation experience where you get to see new things and interact with new people, without much incremental expense.

  • Your home community benefits from having a short term guest that is already from the cohousing world and can share their experiences and bring new energy to the community. You return re-charged to your home community and share your experiences with everyone (perhaps as part of a community wide presentation at a common meal)

  • A higher level of trust that the person living in your home values community and is like minded and will be respectful of your home and fit in within your community.

  • Having a tight-knit community around you as you live in a new surrounding will provide instant support. This could even include living temporarily in another country. Joining common meals and having neighbors who can welcome you and guide you in your daily life, would be very beneficial.

  • We would each have a community who would welcome us and help us adjust to our new temporary home.

  • Participate in common meals where we're visiting would give us all a chance to interact with our new temporary neighbors.


We held two Zoom meetings to discuss the concept. You can view the archives at these links:


In addition to David Ehrlich, Neil Planchon, and Carol Quintero took a leadership role on these calls.


If you'd like to contact the organizer of this site (David Ehrlich of Shepherd Village cohousing), please use email at

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